Dreams - Official Kabbalah Publication of the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute
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Many people are fascinated by dreams and dream interpretation. Some even believe that dreams contain important tips for life and can help us solve our problems. But as far as Kabbalah is concerned, a dream is nothing more than a physical phenomenon. Dreams have nothing to do with the soul or with spirituality.

When we're asleep our brain processes the experiences we went through during the day and unloads some of the impressions we have acquired. It sorts the accumulated information and stores it in our memory. That's all there is to dreams.

Don’t get confused when you find references to dreams in sacred books, such as The Bible or The Book of Zohar. Sacred books depict only the spiritual reality and the soul's development. They never talk about any events of this world. Thus, even stories that seem to talk about dreams are actually talking about spiritual discernments one makes in one's soul.

For example, the term "awake" in Kabbalah refers to one who feels the Creator's Light in his soul, while "falling asleep" indicates that the Light has left his soul. When one's soul is refilled by the Light, he "wakes up" to a new day.

Again, sacred books describe the spiritual states of a Kabbalist's soul. They do not talk about our physical bodies or the dream phenomenon. A Kabbalist can experience the spiritual state called "dreaming" even while physically awake. There is no connection between the soul and the physical body; the two are completely separate.